Posao u Tokiću

Pridružite se našem, brzo rastućem timu i neka Tokić bude mjesto za početak ili nastavak Vaše karijere

Mi smo skupina entuzijastičnih ljudi zaljubljenih u auto i moto svijet. Inovativni po pitanju tehnologije, a tradicionalni po pitanju ljudskih odnosa. Ako dijelite našu strast prema novim tehnologijama, inovativni ste, kreativni, željni novih znanja i izazova te želite sudjelovati u kreiranju budućnosti, mi u Tokiću bismo Vas rado upoznali!

Prijavite se za posao u Tokiću!

Pregledaj otvorene pozicije

Otvorene molbe

Ako trenutno nije otvorena pozicija za koju ste zainteresirani, slobodno nam pošaljite svoj životopis koji ćemo sačuvati u našoj bazi godinu dana. Čim se otvori radno mjesto koje odgovara Vašem profilu, mi ćemo Vas kontaktirati!

Pošaljite otvorenu molbu

Iskustva naših zadovoljnih djelatnika i pripravnika

- Petar Tokić,
Deputy Branch manager

"Working in Tokić is filled with team spirit, therefore we help each other whenever needed. I like to deal with customer requirements that are considered difficult because I like to solve it and help the customer find the best possible solution."

- Tomislav Vonić,
Warehouse manager

"Every challenge is easy to solve, when you are surrounded by quality team. This is due to investing in employees and continuous following of new trends and technologies. I especially appreciate the fact that effort and commitment are recognized in Tokić, which is accompanied by opportunities for promotion."

- Robert Šamec,
Pricing specialist

"I appreciate the flexibility in Tokić, because it allows me to maintain a balance between business and private life. Due to the dynamism of the work, two working days are never the same. Each is different in its way and full of challenges, which makes it interesting and exciting."

- Željko Jurić,
Wholesale manager

"I started my career in Tokić as a salesman, and when I gained enough knowledge and experience, I became a branch manager. Many years of sales experience have allowed me to grow from a salesman to a wholesale manager. The true value of the Tokić company is that you can learn a lot, gain different experiences and skills. I am glad that the employees are diligent and ready for any challenge with inexhaustible cordiality."

- Jurica Sugnetić,
Senior programmer for application solutions

"Every day is different, so I can be creative in performing my tasks. People are accommodating and together we successfully solve tasks, and superiors are always ready to help with their knowledge around every challenge."

- Nikolina Molnar,

"Working hours are flexible and that’s great for me! By continuously acquiring new knowledge, it is very likely that you will progress quickly. I especially appreciate that the people I work with are full of understanding and support. I can say that I learn a lot from them every day."

- Nikola Jelić,
Business Development Specialist

"Before joining the team, I followed the Tokić company for a long time because of the excellent continuous growth and constant innovations that are very advanced for such a competitive and traditional industry. The realized acquisitions have especially interested and attracted me to be a part of business development and to contribute to further growth and development with my previous experience in project management, strategic planning and defining corporate synergies."

- Marina Cokol,
Marketing specialist

"From a young age, I know about Tokić as a leader in the sale of auto parts, and working in such a large and complex organization is a step forward in my professional career. That is the reason when I saw the job ad for the position in marketing, I applied right away! The stimulating and professional environment in Tokić allows my personal further development, but also many opportunities to contribute to the development of the company with my experience and knowledge."

- Stipe Bagić,

"We achieve a great working environment through honesty and completeness of the information. I have to admit that I personally feel very good working here, which makes me happy. I especially appreciate that the company creates a positive environment through various activities for employees, which is shown in the business results at the end of the day."

- Josip Dodig,
Key account manager

"Working in a stimulating business environment, the possibility of education and development, and the benefits in accordance with corporate rules, have enabled me to acquire professional knowledge that helps me improve my full potential. In Tokić, we are developing our future together and all team members contribute to achieving the goals. Dynamics, focus on efficiency, open communication and a great passion for what we do make me a happy and proud team member."

T1 Walk

Looking for another reason to work in our team? Find out all about our internal academy!

Tokić Akademija pod nazivom “T1 WALK“ je interna akademija namijenjena svim zaposlenicima tvrtke. Duboko uvjereni da su ljudi najvažnija snaga i pokretač novih dostignuća, želimo im omogućiti kontinuiranu edukaciju i potaknuti ih na nove načine razmišljanja, inicijativu i proaktivnost te povećati razinu njihove motivacije i zadovoljstva. S tom vizijom na umu, pokrenuli smo internu akademiju koja pruža znanja iz različitih područja važnih za naše poslovanje.